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This blog is a personal space where I can post some of my photos and talk about some of my favorite things. I have many interests, including, but not limited to: The Western Mystery Tradition, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, Modern Chinese Medicine, Photography, Music, Chess, Computers, ad infinitum..... I love to read, hate television, but do enjoy good movies. Newest entries are always posted on the top of page.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

As the New Year approaches I am feeling very optimistic for the future. I am more and more convinced my decision to forego combination interferon/ribavirin therapy and instead pursue Modern Chinese Medicine was the right one for me. I continue to sustain my new found sense of well being and high energy levels since beginning Dr. Zhang's Chinese Medicine protocol. Recently I had a conversation with a nurse who happens to work in the same medical clinic as I do. Even though she underwent a successful course of interferon treatment last year she told me that if she had to do it again she would not pursue interferon treament. She said this even though she was one of the lucky ones who did acheive a negative viral response with interferon treatment. Despite this she was emphatic that she would not make the same choice again because the effects of the interferon and ribavirin were so ravaging. Why would anyone make such a statement? One factor in the decision whether or not to pursue conventional combination therapy is the consideration that one should be aware that a negative viral response after interferon treatment does not mean "total eradication" of the Hep C virus! Most of the patients after "successful" inteferon therapy will still have HCV in their liver. Relapse can, and does in some cases happen at a later time.

Please understand, I am in no way advocating just sticking one's head in the sand and ignoring their HCV infection. Rather, a comprehensive approach is needed to treat chronic viral hepatitis, including proper herbal treatment, rest, and nutrition. I do believe it's possible using Modern Chinese Medicine to halt the progression of the disease and restore general health.

Blessings to all in the New Year.


misspoppy said...

Hi Regents Lynx
I have traced your blog through Overcomers blog and I am glad I found it after finding I am interferon intolerant. I will be dropping by often.
Best wishes to you and your girl for 2006.
Miss Poppy

Sue, Toronto said...

Hi Allan,

I am in total agreement that each person needs to find their own best way to deal with hepc. Also share the opinion that the standard combination therapy when successful is not specifically a cure - I believe it's more like kicking the virus into remission.

Personally, I'm glad to have done the combo, which was tolerable for me, and hope for sustained negative viral pcr and zero viral "activity". I will always be aware that my liver is compromised and that despite pcr-negativity, I maintain an hcv positive antibody status.

I have complete respect for your choice to utilize TCM and a healthy lifestyle as the way you wish to treat the virus. All best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year Allan,

RegentLynx said...

Very good points Sue :-)

Treatment decisions are a very personal matter and must be made by each individual. No two cases are the same and what's right for one may not be right for another. It is important though that people are made aware there do exist alternative treatments other than the mainstream conventional ones. I respect the individual's decision to do what they feel is right for them.

Another important point to be made is that no matter which route one chooses it is important to employ trained professionals to tailor the treatment to the individual. Self medicating with herbal forumulas would be just as dangerous as an individual self prescribing conventional western medicines!

I am always thrilled when I hear stories of people bettering their health whether through conventional therapy or alternative health methods. It matters not which. We're all in the same boat and it's nice to have a network of individual's supporting each other on our journey's. Wishing you continued good health and a happy New Year :-)