Christmas Eve, sometimes called Holy Night, celebrates the ageless story of the birth of Christ. As the divine light of Christ incarnates in a tiny babe in a lowly manger, to us this story represents the nativity of the divine light within the Gnostic soul, the coming of the royal light into the lowly frame and darkness of this world. When the outer world grows cold and dark it is even more necessary to keep the spark of divine light kindled and bright.
Though the light shines in the darkness, the darkness can not itself give birth to the light. The earth would be naught but cold damp clay without the life coming from the light of the Sun. Even so, the spirit which gives life comes from somewhere else, a mystical dimension beyond time and space. The alchemists assure us that “nature unaided always fails.” Without divine assistance in the Hermetic art the alchemist can not achieve the goal of the Great Work, the Philosopher’s Stone. In the same way, our human natures can not transform our ego personalities without the assistance of that spark of our Divine Self and the birth of that consciousness within us........more
Wishing you and yours all the best this Holiday Season. May the New Year bring you much Light, Love, and Health.
Thank you, Ron. Yes, it's true, in many ways this illness has been somewhat of a blessing. Quite often a health crises can spur one on to seek after answers to some of the deeper questions of life.
I also extend my best wishes to you and yours. May the new year find you with more Light, Life, Love and health.
Blessings, Allan
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