About Me

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This blog is a personal space where I can post some of my photos and talk about some of my favorite things. I have many interests, including, but not limited to: The Western Mystery Tradition, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, Modern Chinese Medicine, Photography, Music, Chess, Computers, ad infinitum..... I love to read, hate television, but do enjoy good movies. Newest entries are always posted on the top of page.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Some Favorite Quotations

Here are the first few of some of my favorite quotations I would like to share, in no particular order:

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the Great Divide. Always give a word or sign in a lonely place. Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the light, for your life and strength Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.”



If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

Hermann Hesse


A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world: everyone you meet is your mirror.-

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that is your own self.

-Aldous Huxley


Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

-Ancient Chinese Proverb


Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.



Yea, verily, let your Will to Love burn eagerly toward this creation in yourselves of the true Life that rolls its waves across the shoreless sea of Time! Live not your petty lives in fear of the hours! The Moon and Sun and Stars by which ye measure Time are themselves but servants of that Life which pulses in you, joyous drum-beat as you march triumphant through the Avenue of the Ages. Then, when each birth and death of yours are recognized in this perception as mere milestones on your ever-living Road, what of the foolish incidents of your mean lives? Are they not grains of sand blown by the desert wind, or pebbles that you spurn with your winged feet, or grassy hollows were you press the yielding and elastic turf and moss with lyrical dances? To him who lives in Life naught matters: his is eternal motion, energy, delight of never-failing Change: unwearied, you pass on from aeon to aeon, from star to star, the Universe your playground, its infinite variety of sport ever old and ever new. All those ideas which bred sorrow and fear are known in their truth, and thus become the seed of joy: for you are certain beyond all proof that you can never die; that, though you change, change is part of your own nature: the Great Enemy is become the Great Ally.

--Aleister Crowley


There is strong shadow where there is much light.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't.

-Frank A. Clark


I will try to share some more over the next few days. I would like to hear some of your favorite quotes as well. This could be fun, feel free to leave your favorites using the comments link below.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Ahhh..., the Beauty of the written Word. My last post reminded me of the deep reverence I’ve always felt for the Logos of humanity, the poetry and prose which exemplifies the Spirit of Man. Just for fun I think I’ll dig out some of my old notebooks and use this space over the next few days to share some of my favorite quotations which have always been a great source of inspiration for me………..See you soon.

Life Lessons

Chronic illness definitely forces one to be a bit more introspective. It’s a common aphorism, “that “everything happens for a reason”. I’ve often felt the need to attempt to understand what lessons the Holy Guardian Angel was trying to impart to me through this long battle with chronic illness? I’m a long way from having the definitive answers but was touched by the following quotes, which I recently found online from the beloved Ann Davies,

"Reexamine yesterday and recognize that everything that happened was a blessing beyond description. This is true whether you lost the love of your life, whether an illness left you disabled, your business failed, etc. It was a glorious experience because it was part of the process of becoming. Life is not static. It is coming through rough periods that brings you to glory and fulfillment. Without yesterday's sorrow you'd be incapable of tomorrow's joys. However, with some of us tomorrow's joys might take several incarnations to experience unless we get busy right now and make them our real tomorrows, which it is in our power to do. Remember that.

We must re-examine our reactions to yesterday, to the past, and affirm that the past has deepened the cup of our capacity to love. It gave us insight. It taught us how to walk instead of fall. It taught us how to see things we would not otherwise have seen. Therefore it was well worth it……”

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Progress Has Slowed Down

Still enjoying golf, though my progress seems slow at times. There have been times when I haven’t had the energy to continue regular, consistent practice due to feeling ill, which I’m sure has slowed me up some, but I can see improvement which is the main thing. It’s definitely a challenge, which is a big part; I’m sure, of why golf never gets boring. Looking forward to this weekend when my wife, my Dad, and I will take part in a golf tournament :-) It’s a “Midnight Madness” tournament which means the last nine holes will be played at night with glow in the dark golf balls, should be great fun. The tournament is held at Southridge Golf Club.

Have been a bit discouraged with the Chinese Herbal Medicine Protocol lately as it definitely is not working as well as it did the first couple of months. I have been having a couple of days a week were I simply don’t feel well at all, tired, achy, absolutely no energy. In all fairness though I have to admit until real recently I haven’t been taking the herbs real religiously due to becoming discouraged with my health again and the cost of the herbs being quite expensive and I felt I couldn’t really afford them at times. Plan on getting back on a very regular regimen of the herbs which I have done for the last week and will have my labs rechecked at the beginning of September and go from there.